
metaphorical snails.

Occasionally, I will take a picture that makes me reflect on my own life. Even if the subject in the photograph has no obvious correlation to me.

I came across a snail on the front porch of a friends apartment, and I sat and watched it trail across the cement. Every few inches, it paused to look back at it's path. With more reflection, I have realized that I can take a lesson from the snail. Keep moving, while still taking some time to look back at the past. Since everything does happen for a reason, right? Which made me think of a song by a band called The Format, called "Snails."

"Snails see the benefits
the beauty in every inch."

Look it up, it's pretty good.

And to think, all of these ideas came from a snail in a picture.

1 comment:

Subversive Me said...

What a great post. I never thought i'd be able to learn from a snail. Thanx for the lesson