
rust and oranges.

"If you jump the fence on the end of this road, you can see an old school house that they are going to tear down."

This is what a woman walking her dog told me when she saw me taking photos at a rusty barn. "They" being the city, and she obviously isn't happy about the plans to level the old buildings. "I live on the end of this street, when the pavement ends and the dirt road begins. The city bought out every one of these old buildings so that they can level it and build shopping malls."

Well I haven't done much perusing in Estero of US 41, so all she had to do was drop the bait of "jumping a fence" and I was there. I feel like I get the best photos when I probably shouldn't be somewhere. Not only did I discover the school she mentioned, but when I came back to my car, the woman was still hanging around. As I tried to not get eaten by her hyper, oversized dog, she informed me that the house behind me is vacant because the woman who lived there died. "Used to be a really nice barn and house, now look at it. 'They' are tearing it down too."

What was striking was the contrast of this run down home and the surrounding vibrantly colored oranges. It really is a shame that the city feels the need to level land that has such old houses and history that goes along with them.

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